Saturday 8 May 2010

My grandpa is alive!

I had a weird dream a couple of days ago; I should say, I've been dreaming weird stuff for the past few weeks! Dreamt about a ghost who was crying to bid farewell, a huge dinosaur that look like a snake swallowed my laptop =( and etc.

Before I start this, my grand father died even before I was born so, the only thing to know how he looked like, is an old picture of him. He passed away 25 years ago. Okay, the WEIRDEST dream was, we found my grandfather is alive after 20 years in a room where he used to stay in shop-house (its being abandon now) in Kedah. My aunt and uncle dragged him out from the room and was shocked that he's still alive. His flesh looks like ... I dont know how to describe this. He was so freaking SKINNY and some parts of him covered with red blood or perhaps mud. I wasnt brave enough to go near him in my dream. I saw him sitting down beside my sister try to talk to her. He seems extreemly weak as if had survived without food and water. It's really creepy!

I couldn't remember what happen later. Just feeling surreal.



  1. really surreal lo, should draw out, become ur portfoliO~~~ so many dreams...draw out la!!!sketches also good :P

  2. aiyoo i duno how to draw =( hhhhhaaaha
